When Do You Lower Crib Mattress [Should Know]


Last Updated on June 16, 2023 by nilSSidhajag

If you have a baby or are expecting one, you may be wondering when do you lower crib mattress. The answer is actually pretty simple – when your baby can sit up unassisted, it’s time to lower the mattress. This typically happens around 6 months old, but every baby is different so it’s important to watch for signs that your little one is ready.

Once the mattress is lowered, be sure to remove any pillows or blankets that were propping up your baby, they won’t be needed anymore.

When To Lower Crib Mattress Aap

It’s finally time to lower your baby’s crib mattress. But when is the best time to do this? 

  • Most experts recommend lowering the mattress when your baby starts pulling up to a standing position.
  • This usually happens around 9-12 months old. By this age, your baby will be able to get in and out of the crib easily and won’t need as much height to sleep comfortably. 
  • If you have a convertible crib, you can also lower the mattress once your child reaches the weight limit for the highest setting (usually around 35 pounds).
  • This way, you’ll be able to use the crib longer before transitioning to a toddler bed. 
  • Whatever method you choose, just make sure that you lower the mattress gradually over a few weeks so that your baby can get used to sleeping at a lower level. 
  • And always supervise your child while they’re in the crib – even if it means sacrificing a few hours of sleep.

When To Lower Crib Ikea

It can be difficult to know when to lower your baby’s crib. The Ikea website recommends that you wait until your baby is at least four months old, preferably six months old. If you lower the crib too early, your baby may be able to climb out of it.

When you do lower the crib, make sure to remove any toys or other objects that your baby could use to prop themselves up.

How To Lower Crib Mattress

Assuming you would like tips on how to lower a crib mattress: If you have a newborn or infant, you will want to make sure that their sleeping environment is as safe as possible. This includes ensuring that the crib mattress is at the correct height.

The ideal height for a crib mattress is about four inches from the top of the rails. This will create a small space between the mattress and the railing, which will help prevent your baby from becoming trapped. There are a few different ways that you can lower your crib mattress.

One way is to remove any bedding or blankets that are on top of the mattress. This will help reduce the thickness of the mattress, making it easier to lower. Another way is to remove any foam layers that may be on top of the coils.

These can usually be found near the edges of the mattress. Once these have been removed, you should be able to easily lower the crib Mattress by hand. If you find that your mattress is still too high after trying these methods, you may need to invest in a new one.

However, Crib mattresses can vary in thickness, so it is important to find one that will work well for your needs.

Crib Mattress Height By Age

When shopping for a crib mattress, you may notice that there are different heights available. The height of the mattress is important, as it needs to be high enough so that your baby cannot climb out, but not too high that it becomes a safety hazard. So, what is the ideal crib mattress height by age?

For infants aged 0-6 months, the recommended mattress height is 4 inches. This will provide enough support for your baby and prevent them from being able to climb out of the crib. 

For toddlers aged 6-12 months, the recommended height is 5 inches. This will give them a little more room to move around and play without being able to escape from their safe sleep space. 

And for kids aged 12-24 months, the ideal height is 6 inches. This will allow them to use the entire surface of the mattress for playtime or naps without being in danger of falling out.

Finally, when choosing a crib mattress for your child, make sure to consider their age and choose a height that will be safe and comfortable for them.

When To Adjust Cot Height

When it comes to adjusting the height of a cot, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

  • The first is that the height should be adjusted according to the child’s age and size. For infants, the cot should be set at its lowest setting. This will make it easier for them to get in and out of the cot, as well as ensure that they are comfortable when sleeping. 
  • Older children can have the cot set at a higher setting, which will help prevent them from falling out during the night. Another thing to consider when adjusting the height of a cot is the type of mattress that is being used.
  • If you are using a firm mattress, then you will want to set the cot at a higher setting. So, that your child can get a good night’s sleep without sinking into the mattress too much. 
  • However, if you are using a softer mattress, then you may want to set the cot at a lower setting. So, that your child doesn’t end up lying on top of it and becoming uncomfortable. 

Ultimately, it is up to you as parents to decide what height works best for your child’s individual needs.

What Is A 2 Stage Crib Mattress?

A 2 stage crib mattress is a type of mattress that has two different sides. One side is softer and meant for infants, while the other side is firmer and meant for toddlers. This type of mattress can be beneficial because it allows you to use one mattress from infancy through toddlerhood, which can save you money in the long run.

Additionally, 2 stage crib mattresses are often more comfortable than traditional crib mattresses because they provide support for both stages of development.

What Height Should Crib Mattress Be For 6 Month Old?

When your baby is 6 months old, you’ll want to lower the crib mattress to its lowest setting. This will help prevent your little one from climbing out of the crib and falling.


There are a few things to consider when deciding when do you lower crib mattress. If your baby is able to sit up on their own or pull themselves up to standing, it’s time to lower the mattress. You may also want to lower the mattress if your baby is starting to climb out of the crib.

Another thing to consider is whether or not your baby is comfortable with the mattress at its current height. If you notice that your baby is having difficulty getting in and out of the crib, or seems uncomfortable while sleeping, it’s probably time to lower the mattress.

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