What To Put On Mattress For Pee [Ultimate Guide]

What To Put On Mattress For Pee

Last Updated on October 12, 2023 by nilSSidhajag

To protect your mattress from pee, you’ll want to use a waterproof mattress cover and/or a sheet of plastic or foil. You may also want to put a towel under the sheets to absorb any wetness.

If you have a bedwetting problem, you’re probably wondering what to put on mattress for pee. There are a few different options available, and the best one for you will depend on your individual situation. Here’s a look at some of the most popular choices:

1. Bed pads or absorbent sheets – These can be placed over the entire mattress or just under the fitted sheet. They’ll help protect against leaks and make cleanup easier. 

2. Mattress covers – These go over the entire mattress and have a waterproof layer that will prevent liquids from seeping through. Some also have an absorbent layer to help with spills. 

3. Underpads – These go under the bottom sheet and can be used in conjunction with other protection methods like bed pads or mattress covers. They’ll help absorb any leaks and keep your mattress clean and dry.

4. Plastic wrap – This is a temporary measure that can be used in a pinch if you don’t have anything else available. Wrap the entire mattress in plastic wrap and secure it with tape. This will create a barrier between your body and the mattress, but it’s not very comfortable and breathable.

Danger Of Urine In Mattress Cover

Danger Of Urine In Mattress Cover

If you have ever had a baby, or been around someone who has, you know that accidents happen. And when they do, it is important to clean them up quickly to prevent any further damage. However, sometimes people make the mistake of using urine as a cleaning agent, which can actually do more harm than good.

  • Urine is full of bacteria that can cause serious infections if left untreated. 
  • When it comes into contact with your skin, it can also cause rashes and other irritations. 
  • In addition, the acidity of urine can break down fabrics and damage furniture.
  • So, if you have any accidents in your home, be sure to use a cleaner that is specifically designed for cleaning up urine.

How To Get Pee Out Of A Mattress Without Vinegar And Baking Soda

  • If you’re dealing with a fresh urine stain, your best bet is to blot it up with a clean, absorbent cloth. 
  • Once the area is dry, you can sprinkle baking soda over the stain and let it sit for 15 minutes. This will help to neutralize the odor.
  • After 15 minutes, vacuum up the baking soda and enjoy your clean mattress. 
  • If you’re dealing with an old urine stain, things gets a little trickier. 
  • You’ll need to mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and liberally apply it to the stained area.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes before blotting it up with a clean cloth. 
  • You may need to repeat this process several times before the stain is completely removed.

How To Clean Urine From Mattress With A Pillow Top

Image Credit: Ty Carlson

If you’re wondering how to clean urine from your mattress, you’re not alone. Urine stains are one of the most common types of stains, and they can be difficult to remove. However, with the right tools and techniques, you can get rid of those pesky stains for good.
Here’s what you need to know about how to clean urine from your mattress: 

  1. The first step is to identify the source of the stain. If you know which part of the mattress is stained, you can focus your cleaning efforts on that area. Otherwise, you’ll need to treat the entire mattress. 
  2. Once you’ve located the stain, it’s time to start cleaning. If the stain is fresh, blot it with a clean towel or paper towels to absorb as much urine as possible.
  3. For older stains, use a spray bottle filled with water and vinegar or enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for removing urine stains. Apply your chosen cleaner to the stained area and let it sit for several minutes before blotting it dry with a towel. 
  4. You may need to repeat this process several times before the stain is completely gone. If your mattress has a pillow top, there’s one additional step you’ll need to take.

How To Get Urine Out Of Mattress Mumsnet

We’ve all been there – you wake up in the night to find that your little one has had an accident and wet the bed. If it’s just a small amount, you might be able to clean it up with some paper towels and a bit of elbow grease. But if it’s a large puddle, you’re going to need to know how to get urine out of mattress.

  1. The first thing you need to do is remove as much of the urine as possible. You can do this by blotting with paper towels or using a wet vac. 
  2. Once you’ve got as much liquid out as possible, it’s time to start thinking about how to get rid of the stain and smell.
  3. There are lots of products on the market that claim to be able to remove stains and odours from mattresses, but not all of them live up to their claims. One product that does work well is called ‘Pee-B-Gone’. It’s specifically designed for removing urine stains and smells from mattresses & other surfaces.
  4. Simply spray it on the affected area and leave it for a few minutes before wiping away with a clean cloth.

How To Get Urine Out Of Memory Foam Mattress

If you have a memory foam mattress, you know how comfortable they can be. But, you also know how difficult they can be to clean, especially when it comes to removing urine stains. Urine stains are not only unsightly, but they can also lead to odors if not cleaned properly.
Here are some tips on how to get urine out of your memory foam mattress so that it looks and smells fresh and clean: 

  1. First, blot up as much of the urine as possible with a clean towel or cloth. Do not rub the area as this will only spread the stain and make it larger.
  2. Next, mix together a solution of 1 part water and 1 part white vinegar. Apply this mixture to the stained area with a spray bottle or sponge and allow it to sit for several minutes. 
  3. After several minutes have passed, blot the area again with a clean towel or cloth to remove any remaining liquid.

What Are The Best Materials To Use On A Mattress For Protection Against Urine

When it comes to protecting against urine, there are a few different materials you can use on your mattress. 

  1. One option is to use a waterproof mattress cover. This will create a barrier between your mattress and any urine that may come in contact with it.
  2. Another option is to use absorbent pads or sheets under your fitted sheet. These will help to absorb any urine that may leak through the cover or onto the surface of the mattress. 
  3. Finally, you can also use special cleaners and treatments on your mattress to help repel and resist urine stains and odors.

How Often Should I Change the Materials On My Mattress If I am Using Them for Protection against Urine

If you are using materials on your mattress for protection against urine, you should change them as often as necessary to keep the mattress clean and dry. Depending on how much urine is being deposited on the mattress, and how often it is happening, you may need to change the materials weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Will Using Materials On My Mattress For Protection against Urine Void My Warranty

Assuming you have a standard mattress warranty, most companies will not cover voiding the warranty for using materials on the mattress for protection against urine. Most warranties specifically state that any damage caused by fluids of any kind will not be covered under the terms of the warranty. This includes things like sweat, spills, and yes, urine.

So, if you’re worried about damaging your mattress and voiding your warranty, it’s best to avoid using anything on the mattress that could potentially cause stains or other damage.


If you have a child who is potty training, you may be wondering what to put on mattress for pee. There are a few options that you can choose from, depending on your budget and preferences. 

You can purchase special covers that go over the mattress and protect it from accidents, or you can use old sheets and towels. Whichever option you choose, make sure to wash the items often to prevent bacteria build-up.

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