What To Do With My Old Mattress [Experts Opinion]


Last Updated on June 26, 2023 by nilSSidhajag

When you’re ready to get rid of your old mattress, there are a few different options for disposing of it. What to do with my old mattress? You can take it to a local recycling center, donate it to a thrift store or charity, or simply throw it away. If you have a mattress that’s in good condition, consider donating it to a local thrift store or charity.

This is a great way to give back and help someone in need. If your mattress is too old or damaged to be donated, recycle it if possible. Many recycling centers will accept mattresses and box springs – just be sure to call ahead and ask about their policies.

If neither of these options is available or feasible for you, the easiest thing to do is simply throw your mattress away. But before you do, make sure to remove all the bedding and any other materials attached to it. This will make it easier for the landfill crew to dispose of your mattress properly.

How To Dispose Of Old Mattress For Free

When it comes time to get rid of an old mattress, many people are unsure of how to dispose of it properly. If you’re looking for what to do with my old mattress for free, there are a few options available to you. 

  • The first option is to take your mattress to a local recycling center. Many centers will accept mattresses and box springs for recycling. This is a great option if you have a mattress that is in good condition but simply needs to be replaced. 
  • Another option for disposing of an old mattress is to donate it to a local charity or thrift store. This is a great way to give your old mattress a second life while also helping out those in need. Be sure to call ahead before taking your mattress to the donation center, as some places have specific guidelines for what types of mattresses they will accept. 
  • Finally, if neither recycling or donation is an option for you, the best way to dispose of an old mattress is by taking it to the landfill. However, this should only be done as a last resort as mattresses can take up quite a bit of space in landfills.

Where To Dispose Of Mattress For Free Near Me

When it comes to disposing of a mattress, there are a few options available to you. You can either take it to the dump, sell it, or give it away for free. However, finding a place that will accept a mattress for free can be tricky. Here are some tips on where to dispose of your mattress for free: 

1. Check with your local waste management company. Some companies offer special pick-up days for large items like mattresses. This is usually done on a first-come, first-serve basis so you’ll need to call ahead and schedule a time. 

2. See if any local furniture stores or donation centers will take your mattress off your hands. Many places that sell new furniture also take used furniture as well. They may even offer to pick up the mattress from your home which makes things even easier. 

3. Ask around. Maybe someone you know is in need of a new mattress and would be willing to take yours off your hands. Sometimes all it takes is asking around before you find the perfect solution for getting rid of something like an old mattress.

Cheapest Way To Get Rid Of Old Mattress

If you’re looking to get rid of an old mattress, there are a few cheap and easy options available to you. 

  • You can try selling it online or at a garage sale, or you can simply take it to a local dump or recycling center. 
  • If you want to get rid of your mattress for free, your best bet is to list it on Craigslist or a similar site.
  • You may also be able to find someone who is willing to pick it up from your house. 
  • Another option is to take it to a local dump or recycling center. Most of these facilities will accept mattresses for disposal.
  • If you’re looking to make a little money off of your old mattress, you can try having a garage sale or listing it on Craigslist. 
  • Be sure to include pictures and details about the condition of the mattress so that potential buyers know what they’re getting into. 
  • You may also want to consider offering delivery if you live in a large city where buyers might not have their own transportation.

No matter how you choose to get rid of your old mattress, be sure to do some research beforehand. So, that you can find the most economical option available in your area.

What To Do With My Old Mattress And Box Spring

When it comes time to replace your old mattress and box spring, you may be wondering what to do with the old one. Here are a few options for disposing of or recycling your old mattress and box spring. 

  1. Check with your local landfill or solid waste authority to see if they accept mattresses and box springs. Many landfills now have special programs for disposing of mattresses and box springs, which keep them out of landfill and help recycled materials get reused. 
  2. Contact a local furniture or mattress store to see if they will take your old mattress and box spring off your hands. Some stores offer trade-in deals on new purchases, so this could be a great way to save money on a new bed.
  3. Donate your mattress and box spring to a local charity or thrift store. This is a great way to give back and help someone in need, plus it keeps these items out of the landfill. 
  4. If you’re handy, you can disassemble your old mattress and box spring yourself and recycle the materials at a local recycling center.

How Do I Dispose Of A Mattress?

When it comes to mattresses, there are a few options for disposal. 

  1. The first option is to take it to a local landfill. This is the most common method of disposal, but it can be quite expensive.
  2. The second option is to donate it to a local charity or thrift store. This is a great way to get rid of your old mattress and help someone in need at the same time. The third option is to recycle it.

There are several companies in the USA that will recycle your old mattress and turn it into new products like carpet padding or insulation. This is a great way to reduce your environmental impact and save some money on disposal fees.

What To Do With A Mattress You Don’t Want?

When you’ve finally reached the end of your mattress’ lifespan, you may be wondering what to do with it. If you’re like most people, you probably just want to get rid of it as quickly and cheaply as possible. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind when disposing of your old mattress.

First, if your mattress is still in good condition, you may be able to donate it to a local charity or shelter. This is a great option if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of selling or disposing of your mattress yourself. If your mattress is too worn out to donate, there are a few different options for disposal.

  • One option is to take it to a local landfill. However, many landfills now charge a fee for mattresses due to the amount of space they take up. 
  • Another option is to contact a local recycling center that accepts mattresses. This option is becoming more popular as it’s a way to reuse materials from old mattresses instead of just throwing them away. 
  • Finally, if you’re feeling creative, you could repurpose your old mattress into something else entirely.

What Can You Do With A Worn Mattress?

When it comes time to get rid of your old mattress, you may be wondering what you can do with a worn mattress. If you’re not able to donate or recycle it, there are a few options for disposing of your mattress. If your mattress is in good condition, you may be able to sell it online or at a garage sale.

If it’s in poor condition, you can take it to a local landfill or dump. You may also be able to have your municipality pick up the mattress as part of their bulk trash collection service. If you’re looking for an environmentally-friendly option for disposing of your mattress, see if there’s a recycling program in your area that accepts mattresses.
Some furniture stores also offer recycling programs for mattresses and other furniture items.

What Can You Do With An Old Mattress Yourself?

When it comes to old mattresses, there are a few different options for what you can do with them. 

  • One option is to simply recycle the mattress. This can be done by taking it to a local recycling center or contacting a recycling company that specializes in mattresses.
  • Another option is to donate the mattress to a local charity or organization that accepts used furniture and appliances. 
  • Finally, you could also sell the mattress online or at a garage sale.


If you’re anything like most people, you’ve had your mattress for about 7 years. And while it may not seem like it, that mattress has probably seen better days. So, what to do with my old mattress? Here are a few options: 

  1. Donate it to a local charity or thrift store. This is a great option if your mattress is still in decent shape.
  2. Recycle it. Many cities have programs that allow you to recycle mattresses and other large items. Check with your local waste management company to see if this is an option in your area.
  3. Throw it away. If your mattress is really starting to show its age, then it’s probably time to just get rid of it. Most city landfill sites will accept mattresses, but check with them first to be sure.
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